duminică, 2 octombrie 2016


Motto: Those who know many languages live as many lives as the languages they know.”

               On the 26th of September 2016 a series of educational activities were dedicated to European Day of Languages at Nucet Secondary School. The aims of this celebration were:
-          to provide  students with interesting information about the origin of European languages;
-          to stimulate students to study and use foreign languages;
-          to inform students about the importance of language skills in the labor market;
-          to encourage language learning outside school.

               The activity began with a Power Point presentation on "European Day of Languages", which gave students the opportunity to enrich their knowledge with interesting information about European countries and languages. Languages ​​as a tool of communication are an essential element of the European Union. The languages ​​we speak define our identity and the European Union respects cultural and linguistic diversity of its citizens.
               The students took part in interactive games and activities provided by the EDL website 
(http://edl.ecml.at/Events/Eve ntsDatabase / tabid / 1772 / Language e / fr-FR / Default.aspx).
They also made drawings of European flags, maps and post cards, they practised greetings in 
several European languages, sang songs and read poems. Then the students held a mini-exhibition 
of their creations.

               Throughout this activity the students found out that every year on September 26th 
 it’s celebrated not only the 23 official EU languages, but also the rich heritage of cultures and
 traditions, which is a vivid expression of all languages ​​of Europe. Linguistic diversity gives us 
all the opportunity to put ourselves in the shoes of others and to look at life from a different perspective.

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