Data de 9 mai e sarbatorita si ca ZIUA
EUROPEI. Cu aceasta ocazie, elevii care au participat la faza nationala a
Concursului national "Made for Europe 2017", au fost invitati de
catre Institutia Prefectului judetului Maramures, Consiliul Judetean Maramures,
in colaborare cu Inspectoratul Scolar al judetului Maramures, la Simpozionul
judetean "Prezente maramuresene in Europa" editia a X-a. Scoala
Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare a fost reprezentata de
elevul Alex Fozecas si de d-na profesor Daniela
B. Buda. A fost o activitate interesanta, in care am aflat multe
informatii despre proiectele cu finantare europeana derulate in judetul nostru.
Multumim organizatorilor ca ne-au invitat si ii invitam si noi sa participe la
activitatile noastre din scoala, cand au timp.
English version:
9th of May is celebrated as EUROPE DAY. On
this occasion, the students who participated in the National contest "Made
for Europe 2017" in Craiova, have been invited to participate in a
regional symposium called "Representatives from Maramures in Europe",
the 10th edition. The symposium was organised by the Maramures Prefect's
Instituion, the Maramures County Council in collaboration with the School
Inspectorate from Maramures county. Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile
Alecsandri" Baia Mare was represented by our student Alex Fozecas and his
teacher Daniela B. Buda. It has been a
very interesting activity and we found out information about the projects
financed with European funds, which have been implemented in Maramures for the
last 10 year. We thank our hosts for inviting us to the event and we invite
them to participate in our activities at school, when they have time.
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