joi, 22 decembrie 2016

Teacher Cristea Florina

My name is Vrabie Sebastian, I'm scholar in third grade in Nucet Grade School and today I have the pleasure to take an interview to Miss Major from Nucet, Luisa Barboiu   .                                                             –Hello !                                                                                                                                                                                                                        First I want you to tell me a few words about you.                                                                                               -Good day!
     My name is Barboiu Luisa Marioara, I was born in 1958 in Naucet Village, my profession is engineer and since year 2000 major in Nucet Village  

-What are your biggest achivements as a mayor?                                                                                              - One of my biggest achivement is restoring the Nucet Monastery, building the school and garden from Cazaci village, restoring school and Nucet garden, restoring the roads in the village and more.                                -If you would need to begin again from scratch you would chose the same job?                                                                                             -Of course!                                                                                                                                                      -You like what you do?                                                                                                                                    -Yes, because I put my soul in whatever I do.-What are your future plans?                                                            -If I finish my mayor mandatory, I will dedicate my family.                                                                                    -Thank you very much!                                                                                                                                                  -You're welcome!                                                    

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