Vineri, 24 Martie 2017, s-a desfasurat faza judeteana a Concursului National "Made for Europe 2017", organizata de Inspectoratul Scolar al judetului Maramures.
Comisia din partea ISJMM a fost compusa din Inspector General Adjunct Ciprian Cucuiat si doamnele Inspector Ligia Durus si Adriana Mester.
In concurs au fost prezentate numeroase produse ale proiectelor cu finantare europeana derulate in scoli.
Produsele finale ale proiectelor care au obtinut Premiul I la diferitele categorii de produse propuse in concurs, sunt:
- Erasmus Plus KA2: "Local traces of Jewish Life in Europe", reprezentat de eleva Maris Oana, si prof. coordonator Sechel Ovidiu, de la Liceul Pedagogic "Regele Ferdinand" din Sighetu Marmatiei;
- Erasmus Plus KA2: "Erasmus Minus Bullying. Practices in Prevention and Intervention in European Schools", reprezentat de eleva Balog Malina, din clasa a IX-a , coordonata de prof. Bogdan Stoica, de la Liceul din Cavnic; Erasmus Plus KA2:"Bridges", reprezentat de eleva Megyesi Renata, coordonata de prof. Cosette Scurtu, de la Scoala Gimnaziala "Petre Dulfu" Baia Mare, si
proiectul eTwinning "Children - Our Future", reprezentat de elevul Alex Fozecas, din clasa a V-a A, coordonat de prof. Daniela B. Buda, de la Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare.
Etapa judeteana a concursului, in Maramures, a fost gazduita de Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, a carei echipa de proiect a fost felicitata de domnii inspectori pentru excelenta organizare.
In calitate de coordonator al echipei de proiect eTwinning "Children - Our Future" de la aceasta scoala, doresc sa multumesc intregii echipe pentru sprijinul acordat in buna organizare a evenimentului: doamnelor director Adina Cosma, Laura Cont, precum si colegilor mei Marcela Zaplac, Pop Octavian, Liber Ana, Pop Anca, Laurean Stetcu si Valy Marchis. Le multumesc si elevilor din clasa a VI-a A, care au venit sa-l sustina pe Alex in timpul concursului.
Puteti vedea mai multe imagini de la eveniment in albumul nostru foto:
Va invitam sa participati la urmatoarea noastra expozitie de arta din cadrul proiectului, "Lumina Invierii", de Pasti, care va fi vernisata in data de 10 aprilie 2017 la sediul scolii noastre. Va asteptam cu drag. English version: On Friday, 24 March 2017, our School Inspectorate organised the regional phase of the National contest "Made for Europe 2017", where the best products of the best European school projects are evaluated and disseminated.
This year, in Maramures, there have been presented many end products of the projects with European funding developed in schools in Maramures.
The products that got the 1st prize in this contest are:
Erasmus Plus KA2: "Local traces of Jewish Life in Europe", represented by Maris Oana, student,and the coordinating teacher Sechel Ovidiu, from Liceul Pedagogic "Regele Ferdinand" in Sighetu Marmatiei;
Erasmus Plus KA2:"Erasmus Minus Bullying. Practices in Prevention and Intervention in European Schools", represented by Balog Malina, student in grade IX and the coordinating teacher Bogdan Stoica, from Liceul from Cavnic;
Erasmus Plus KA2: "Bridges", represented by Megyesi Renata, student,and the coordinating teacher Cosette Scurtu, from Scoala Gimnaziala "Petre Dulfu" Baia Mare,
and the eTwinning project "Children - Our Future", represented by Alex Fozecas, student from grade V A and the coordinating teacher Daniela B. Buda, from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare. The event was hosted by the team from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, who were congratulated by the inspectors for the excellent organisation.
As coordinating teacher of the eTwinning project "Children - Our Future", I want to thank my headmistresses and my colleagues who have supported me in organising the event. I also want to thank my students from grade 6A for supporting their younger colleague during the contest.
You can see more images from the event here: We invite you to participate in our next art exhibition, called "The Light of Resurrection" which will be officially opened in our school on April 10, just in time for Easter.
Comisia din partea ISJMM a fost compusa din Inspector General Adjunct Ciprian Cucuiat si doamnele Inspector Ligia Durus si Adriana Mester.
In concurs au fost prezentate numeroase produse ale proiectelor cu finantare europeana derulate in scoli.
Produsele finale ale proiectelor care au obtinut Premiul I la diferitele categorii de produse propuse in concurs, sunt:
- Erasmus Plus KA2: "Local traces of Jewish Life in Europe", reprezentat de eleva Maris Oana, si prof. coordonator Sechel Ovidiu, de la Liceul Pedagogic "Regele Ferdinand" din Sighetu Marmatiei;
- Erasmus Plus KA2: "Erasmus Minus Bullying. Practices in Prevention and Intervention in European Schools", reprezentat de eleva Balog Malina, din clasa a IX-a , coordonata de prof. Bogdan Stoica, de la Liceul din Cavnic; Erasmus Plus KA2:"Bridges", reprezentat de eleva Megyesi Renata, coordonata de prof. Cosette Scurtu, de la Scoala Gimnaziala "Petre Dulfu" Baia Mare, si
proiectul eTwinning "Children - Our Future", reprezentat de elevul Alex Fozecas, din clasa a V-a A, coordonat de prof. Daniela B. Buda, de la Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare.
Etapa judeteana a concursului, in Maramures, a fost gazduita de Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, a carei echipa de proiect a fost felicitata de domnii inspectori pentru excelenta organizare.
In calitate de coordonator al echipei de proiect eTwinning "Children - Our Future" de la aceasta scoala, doresc sa multumesc intregii echipe pentru sprijinul acordat in buna organizare a evenimentului: doamnelor director Adina Cosma, Laura Cont, precum si colegilor mei Marcela Zaplac, Pop Octavian, Liber Ana, Pop Anca, Laurean Stetcu si Valy Marchis. Le multumesc si elevilor din clasa a VI-a A, care au venit sa-l sustina pe Alex in timpul concursului.
Puteti vedea mai multe imagini de la eveniment in albumul nostru foto:
Va invitam sa participati la urmatoarea noastra expozitie de arta din cadrul proiectului, "Lumina Invierii", de Pasti, care va fi vernisata in data de 10 aprilie 2017 la sediul scolii noastre. Va asteptam cu drag. English version: On Friday, 24 March 2017, our School Inspectorate organised the regional phase of the National contest "Made for Europe 2017", where the best products of the best European school projects are evaluated and disseminated.
This year, in Maramures, there have been presented many end products of the projects with European funding developed in schools in Maramures.
The products that got the 1st prize in this contest are:
Erasmus Plus KA2: "Local traces of Jewish Life in Europe", represented by Maris Oana, student,and the coordinating teacher Sechel Ovidiu, from Liceul Pedagogic "Regele Ferdinand" in Sighetu Marmatiei;
Erasmus Plus KA2:"Erasmus Minus Bullying. Practices in Prevention and Intervention in European Schools", represented by Balog Malina, student in grade IX and the coordinating teacher Bogdan Stoica, from Liceul from Cavnic;
Erasmus Plus KA2: "Bridges", represented by Megyesi Renata, student,and the coordinating teacher Cosette Scurtu, from Scoala Gimnaziala "Petre Dulfu" Baia Mare,
and the eTwinning project "Children - Our Future", represented by Alex Fozecas, student from grade V A and the coordinating teacher Daniela B. Buda, from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare. The event was hosted by the team from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, who were congratulated by the inspectors for the excellent organisation.
As coordinating teacher of the eTwinning project "Children - Our Future", I want to thank my headmistresses and my colleagues who have supported me in organising the event. I also want to thank my students from grade 6A for supporting their younger colleague during the contest.
You can see more images from the event here: We invite you to participate in our next art exhibition, called "The Light of Resurrection" which will be officially opened in our school on April 10, just in time for Easter.
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