Elevii din clasele 5A, 6A si 6D de la Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare pregatesc lucrarile pentru expozitia de 8 Martie: desene, felicitari, martisoare. O parte din martisoarele realizate de ei au fost donate pentru expozitia cu vanzare organizata in proiectul de voluntariat "Martisoare pentru inimioare". Fondurile adunate din vanzarea martisoarelor vor fi donate Asociatiei Autism Baia Mare, pentru terapia copiilor cu autism. Elevii implicati in aceasta actiune au fost coordonati de profesorii lor: Pop Octavian, Marcela Pop si Daniela B. Buda.
O alta parte a martisoarelor ce le realizam vor fi expusa la Muzeul de Etnografie si arta populara din Baia Mare, in cadrul parteneriatului pe care il avem de ani de zile cu aceasta institutie.
Pregatim si felicitarile pentru expozitia de 8 Martie de la scoala. Noi suntem harnici si generosi. Va asteptam sa participati si sa vizitati expozitia noastra, fie la scoala, fie online pe blogul nostru.
English version:
The students from grades 5A, 6A and 6D from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" from Baia Mare, have been busy preparing for the art exhibition organized to celebrate Mother's Day and the International Women's Day on the 8th of March. They made drawings, cards and small souvenirs-symbols of spring, which are usually given to loved ones in Romania on the 1st of March. (You can see some information about the holiday called "Martisor" on our Comenius project blog Ethno treasure hunt:
from Baia Mare, an institution with whom we have been collaborating for years. The other drawings, cards and "martisoare" made by students from our school will be on display in the art exhibition we organize to celebrate Mother's Day and the International Women's Day on the 8th of March in the school hall. This exhibition is part of our eTwinning project "Children - our future". We are busy bees, aren't we? We also invite you to participate in and visit our exhibition at school and/or online on the project blog.
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