educației estetice prin promovarea tradițiilor românești la școlarii din clasa
Achim Simona Cecilia
Școala Gimnazială
“Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare
Prin activitatea artistico-plastică
copiii sunt ajutaţi să vadă frumosul. Atenţia lor trebuie să fie îndreptată asupra
acestor valori: aspecte ale naturii, tradiţii, folclor, artă.
Dezvoltarea creativităţii plastice în cadrul activităţilor artistico-plastice
include formarea competenţelor de exprimare liberă a propriilor viziuni şi
preferinţe în redarea temelor şi subiectelor lucrărilor plastice, de modificare
a formelor şi de reorganizare a acestora într-un spaţiu plastic.
artistico-plastice constituie un mijloc de dinamizare şi exprimare a vieţii
copilului. Motivaţia copilului pentru activităţile artistico-plastice este
nevoia de exprimare a propriilor trăiri, nevoia de a reda imaginea într-un mod
artistic sau plăcerea de a povesti în imagini. Reprezentările plastice ale
copilului evoluează treptat spre o redare cât mai realistă, alteori intervine
imaginaţia creatoare şi trece spre fabulaţie, spre ireal.
vederea dezvoltării imaginaţiei creatoare în cadrul activităţilor
artistico-plastice am valorificat cunoştinţele acumulate prin activităţi
diverse (aspecte ale naturii, viaţa socială, evenimente şi sărbători). În
cadrul activităţilor artistico-plastice, copiii au o paletă bogată de culori pe
care să le îmbine în realizarea spaţiului artistic.
româneşti constituie una dintre valorile inegalabile ale poporului nostru. Avem
datoria morală de a le păstra şi a le transmite generaţiilor viitoare. Ca dascăli,
ştim că, pe lângă nestematele literaturii române, arta populară ocupă un loc de
seamă şi îşi are locul ei în educaţia tinerii generaţii. Făcând-o cunoscută
copiilor, ei fac cunoştinţă cu tradiţiile şi obiceiurile specifice poporului
căruia îi aparţin, trăiesc sentimente de dragoste, respect, admiraţie şi
mândrie faţă de tradiţiile populare, faţă de creaţiile diferiţilor meşteri.
folosirea diversificată a tehnicilor de lucru în activitățile practice (tehnica
colajului, tehnica modelajului, tehnica amprentei...), copiii îşi dezvoltă capacitatea
de expunere artistico-plastică, având posibilitatea de a comunica prin mijloace
diverse propriile idei, trăiri, sentimente. Este important să dezvoltăm la
copil dorinţa de a realiza ceva inedit, iar acest lucru îl putem realiza având
ca linie directoare diversitatea. Familiarizarea copiilor cu unele tehnici noi
de lucru le măreşte curiozitatea şi imprimă activităţilor artistico-plastice un
caracter atractiv şi creativ. Cunoaşterea limbajului şi a tehnicilor de lucru
de către copii duce la dezvoltarea creativităţii în realizarea ideilor în forme
artistice variate. De asemenea, familiarizarea treptată a copiilor cu unele
tehnici de lucru măreşte curiozitatea lor şi caracterul atractiv al
activităţilor artistico-plastice.
în întreg procesul de formare şi autoformare a personalităţii, educaţia
estetică urmăreşte, în esenţă, dezvoltarea capacităţii de percepere şi
înţelegere corectă a frumosului din realitate (din natură, muncă, relaţii sociale
şi din artă), formarea conştiinţei estetice, a gustului şi simţului estetic, a
necesităţii şi posibilităţii de a participa la crearea frumosului în artă şi în
viaţă. Educaţia estetică urmăreşte pregătirea copilului pentru actul de valorizare-receptare-asimilare
şi de creare a valorii estetice.
The Art of Teaching English
Prof. Brigitta Daniela Buda,
Gimnazială “Vasile Alecsandri” Baia Mare, România
In his book “How to Teach English”,
Jeremy Harmer says:” Most people can look back at their own schooldays and
identify teachers they thought were good. But generally, they find it quite
hard to say why certain teachers struck them as special. Perhaps it was because
of their personality. Possibly it was because they had interesting things to
say. Maybe the reason was that they looked as if they loved their job, or
perhaps their interest in their students’ progress was compelling. Sometimes,
it seems, it was just because the teacher was a fascinating person! […] It is
often said that ‘good teachers are born, not made’ and it does seem that some
people have a natural affinity for the job. But there are also others, perhaps,
who do not have what appears to be a natural gift but who are still effective
and popular teachers. Such teachers learn their craft through a mixture of
personality, intelligence, knowledge and experience (and how they reflect on
it). And even some of the teachers who are apparently ‘born teachers’ weren’t
like that at the beginning at all, but grew into the role as they learnt their
Teaching English is not an easy
job, but it is interesting and challenging. Besides the roles of “controller, standing at the front of
the class, dictating everything that happens and being the focus of attention”;
“prompters, encouraging students,
pushing them to achieve more, feeding in a bit of information or language to
help them proceed”; “feedback providers
(helping students to evaluate their performance) or as assessors (telling students how well they have done or giving them
grades, etc)”; “resource (for language information, etc)”; “as a language tutor (that is, an advisor who
responds to what the student is doing and advises them on what to do next)”, as
Jeremy Harmer puts it, the teacher of English plays several other roles during
the classes.
From my experiences in class, I
think the teacher must be an artist
with various artistic skills: an actor and director – to teach students
how to use role play to learn vocabulary and interaction, a singer – to teach young learners
vocabulary and language structures through songs, chants and poems; a dancer – to teach young learners to
move according to a certain song, a
writer – to teach students how to write various types of
literary/non-literary texts. The teacher, especially in pre-school, primary and
middle school must have good arts and
crafts skills, too. This way, by making such arts and crafts objects,
students can learn vocabulary and language structures in a fun way. I have
experienced this myself with young learners: one of my colleagues, Marcela
Zaplac, is an origami artist and she taught her class many subjects, such as
Maths, biology and so on by teaching them to make origami objects. So, I used
those objects made by the students to teach them English vocabulary. They
enjoyed it and succeeded to remember the words and sentences. With the
pre-school students, who cannot read and write yet, I use coloring images organized
by themes to teach them vocabulary. Then they must colour those images. Thus,
we learn the colours, shapes and other vocabulary related to the theme of the
day. Even if I am not a painter, I
can teach them how to combine colours for the best effect. As children like to
draw, I often give them small projects to make: to draw a pet, or his family
members or other topics and then describe the images they drew using the
vocabulary and structures taught, as a reinforcement exercise. Students are
happy to show off their creations and present them in front of the class. This
improves their self-esteem too.
The teacher of English must have
some scientific and mathematician
skills when s/he teaches numbers and sums, etc. The teacher should know a bit
of Biology when teaching the human
or animal body parts, or Geography,
when talking about countries and places to visit. History is also a must when talking about kings and queens and
historic events. The English teacher is the IT specialist, who teaches students
to surf the internet and use any kind of digital media to find information they
need for various projects.
The teacher of English should
also be a speech therapist and psychologist
to teach students proper pronounciation and spelling of the English words, and
how to mend a broken heart or get through difficult periods in the child’s
life. S/He should teach the students the human rights and how to fight against
physical/psychological and verbal abuse and bullying. The teacher is the child’s
“parent from school”, who can give
advice on how to behave in society in certain contexts.
These days, more than ever, the
teacher of English should be able to work with children with special educational needs, so all she/he
should master all these types of art to be able to cope with such students.
Then the teacher needs to be a very good
negotiator if s/he wants her/his SEN students to behave properly during
One role I have learnt I needed
throughout the years was that of a police
woman – to be able to make certain students refrain from physical violence
at school. I am talking about children coming from poor families, or Roma families,
who learn at home that physical violence and verbal abuse or bullying are
normal things in life. I have often noticed that such children are confused and
do not know how to behave when the teacher treats them nicely, with kind words
and respect. They think such behaviour is not normal in their communities.
The teacher of English should
also be a good photographer to
record the activities, events and successes of her/his students and disseminate
them, so their self-esteem improves.
Let us not forget the role of the
planner: we must plan everything in
advance and prepare all the paperwork required by the school, such as year
planner, lesson plans, reports of various kinds, curricular and
extra-curricular activities, local, regional, national and international
projects and partnerships, take part in competitions and so on.
When the teachers can play all
these roles and have all these skills, their students are happy students. But
this is a hard job!
So, I still believe the teacher
of English should be a real artist in everything s/he does.
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