duminică, 12 martie 2017

Preparing for the 8th of March art exhibition. Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri from Baia Mare

In February - March 2017, my students and I prepared some materials for the art exhibition to celebrate Mother's Day/ Woman's Day on the 8th of March. Here are some images from the activities with my younger students from pre-school classes to the the 5th grade. They love drawing, coloring, learning poems and singing songs during the English classes. Happy Mother's Day!

Romanian version:
In perioada februarie-martie 2017, impreuna cu elevii mei, din clasele pregatitoare - pana la clasa a 5-a, am pregatit materialele pentru expozitia de 8 Martie, in care sarbatoream Ziua Mamei. Le place foarte mult sa deseneze, sa coloreze, sa invete poezii si cantece la orele de engleza. La Multi Ani de ZIua Mamei!

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